To encode raw content (picture sequences, uncompressed video streams, etc.) you can use the free video encoder FFMPEG (learn more here: It just has a commandline interface, which is – after a bit of learning – surprisingly efficient to use.
- You can Downloa a pre-configured build of FFMPEG for Windows here:
- FFMPEG builds from the maintainer:
- Download and extract on a PC with strong CPU and fast harddrive
Running FFMPEG from the commandline:
General Usage:
ffmpeg -h // display help
ffmpeg -formats | more // display supported video formats (paginated)
ffmpeg -codecs | more // display supported video codecs (paginated)
Encoding Commands:
-pix_fmt rgb24 // for RGB formats
-pix_fmt yuv420p // for YUV formats
-pix_fmt bgr24 // for BGR formats
-compression_algo raw // for uncompressed
-vf "scale=4096:2160" // scaling the resolution
"crop=3840:2160:0:0" // to cut the sice
-framerate 60 // for fps (frames per second)
-vcodec libx264 // for H264 Codec
-vcodec libx265 // for H265 Codec
-vcodec prores_ks // for Prores
-vcodec prores -profile:v 2 // Prores Profiles:
// 0: ProRes422 (Proxy) – apco
// 1: ProRes422 (LT) – apcs
// 2: ProRes422 (Normal) – apcn
// 3: ProRes422 (HQ)- apc
-vcodec hap -format hap // for HAP
-vcodec hap -format hap_q // for HAPQ
-chunks 4 // for hap: encoding can use 0-4 threads
-qscale:v 10 // quality for prores 0-32 (9-13 good)
-crf 24 // value for the biterate when using H265 or H264
// CRF (Constant Rate Factory 0-51)
// small value --> high bitrate (22-26 is default)
-preset veryslow // slow presets => better compression
// (veryslow,slow,fast,veryfast)
%05d.tif // for picture sequences (decimal placeholder)
// (image_00001.tif = image_%05d.tif)
H265 = .mp4
H264 = .mp4
HAP = .mov
HAPQ = .mov
TIFF –> DPX + scaling
ffmpeg -i "V:\Frames_8kx4k\Testvideo_8192x4302_%04d.tif" -pix_fmt rgb24 -vf "scale=4096:2160" "V:\DPX 4096x2160 8Bit 60fps\RAW_DEMO_4k_8Bit_%04d.dpx"
TIFF –> H264 420
ffmpeg -r 60 -i "V:\TIFF 4096x2160 16Bit 30fps\Testvideo_%05d.tif" -vcodec libx264 -r 60 -crf 26 -pix_fmt yuv420p "V:\H264 4096x2160 8Bit 60fps\Testvideo_4k_30fps.mp4"
ffmpeg -r 60 -i "V:\4k_png\Testvideo_000%05d.png" -vcodec hap -format hap -chunks 8 -r 60 "V:\HAP 4096x2160 8Bit 60fps\"
TIFF –> Prores 444
ffmpeg -r 60 -i "V:\TIFF 4096x2160 8Bit 60fps\Testvideo_%05d.tif" -vcodec prores -c:v prores_ks -profile:v 3 -qscale:v 15 -pix_fmt yuv444p10le -vf "scale=1920:1080" -r 60 "V:\Testvideo_FHD_prores_444_HQ(3)"
ffmpeg -framerate 60 -i "V:\TIFF 4096x2160 8Bit 60fps\Testvideo_4K_8Bit_%05d.tif" -coder "raw" -pix_fmt bgr24 -vf "scale=1920:1080" "V:\Testvideo_FHD_8Bit_%05d.tga"
Split a 7680×2160 DPX sequence into two 3840×2160 parts:
CROP left Part:
ffmpeg -i "V:\Testvideo_%05d.dpx" -filter:v "crop=3840:2160:0:0" "V:\Testvideo_crop_left_%05d.dpx"
CROP right Part:
ffmpeg -i "V:\Testvideo_%05d.dpx" -filter:v "crop=3840:2160:3840:0" "V:\Testvideo_crop_right_%05d.dpx"
Split a 7680×2160 DPX sequnece into two 3840×2160 parts:
CROP left Part:
ffmpeg -i "V:\Content\120fps Test\Komp 1_%05d.dpx" -filter:v "crop=3840:2160:0:0" "V:\Content\120fps Test\crop\Komp_1_crop_left_%05d.dpx"
CROP right Part:
ffmpeg -i "V:\Content\120fps Test\Komp 1_%05d.dpx" -filter:v "crop=3840:2160:3840:0" "V:\Content\120fps Test\crop\Komp_1_crop_right_%05d.dpx"
Examples Fulldome
PNG –> HAP Domemaster 4K@30Hz (1 file)
ffmpeg -r 30 -i "V:\FRAMES_4K\Dome_30fps_%05d.png" -vcodec hap -format hap -r 30 "V:\ENC_4K\"
PNG –> HAP_Q Domemaster 4K@30Hz (1 file)
ffmpeg -r 30 -i "V:\FRAMES_4K\Dome_30fps_%05d.png" -vcodec hap -format hap_q -r 30 "V:\ENC_4K\"
PNG –> HEVC Domemaster 4K@30Hz (1 file)
ffmpeg -r 30 -i "V:\FRAMES_4K\Dome_30fps_%05d.png" -vcodec libx265 -crf 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 30 "V:\ENC_4K\Dome_4K_30fps-HEVC.mp4"
PNG –> HAP Domemaster 6K@60Hz (2 files: top and bottom)
Top part
ffmpeg -r 60 -i "V:\FRAMES_6K\Dome_60fps_%05d.png" -filter:v "crop=6000:3000:0:0" -vcodec hap -format hap -r 60 "V:\ENC_4K\"
Bottom part
ffmpeg -r 60 -i "V:\FRAMES_6K\Dome_60fps_%05d.png" -filter:v "crop=6000:3000:0:3000" -vcodec hap -format hap -r 60 "V:\ENC_4K\"