Basically, the difference of the Wings Avio version is based on the amount of the “functional groups” that are necessary for the AV installation. There are some basic functions that come with the free Basic version and are included by default in every type of license. If more functions are needed, more functional groups can be added. Check the details in the following tables:
Wings Avio Basic |
Wings Avio Lite |
Wings Avio Advanced |
Wings Avio Pro |
Wings Avio Premium |
* Avio Basic Functions: | ** Avio Functional Groups |
For example, three “functional groups” can be combined like shown in the following examples:
1 x 5 drivers + 1 x Touch project + 1 x Facebook
3 x 5 drivers (=15 drivers)
Please note that every driver instance counts separately. That means if you e.g. have to control 12 projectors you would need to activate 3 x “5 drivers” and cannot activate any addititional functional group.