VIOSO Anyblend VR&SIM and VIOSO Integrate Plus let you export your warp and blend calibrations to the driving simulation software rFpro. Using the built-in VIOSO image plugin, you can easily apply the auto-alignment of your projectors in both single and multi-channel simulation setups, with supported dynamic warping for motion platforms and eye tracking.
Integration guideline:
Table of Contents
1. In VIOSO Core
1.1. 3D calibration
Perform a camera based 3D calibration with Anyblend VR&SIM or VIOSO Integrate Plus following the workflow from this guide: 3D calibration
1.2. Export Mapping
After a successful calibration of your displays, export your mapping in the VWF format:
- From the menu bar, go to File > Export Mapping
- Select your compound display.
- Select the VWF format.
- Make sure the 3D box is checked.
- Choose a file name and path.
- Click on Export.
You can also automate this task and transfer the vwf files to the image generators automatically, see examples below:
Export automation using “use settings from file” (VIOSO 5 – VIOSO6.0.8)
In the export window, check the box “use settings from file”, click edit to open SPExtCalibCommOptDef.ini
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<File version="1.0.0" />
<CalibCommerceTask Typ="export" Format="vwf" >
<CommonParam bSilent="0" bSeparatedSplitDisp="1" bAllToMaster="1" bBlankUnusedSplitDispParts="0" bExactFileName="0"
FileName="_tmp.vwf" />
<TransferTask Format="vwf" Core="" bUse3D="1" >
<Destination Core="" FileName="C:\Users\Public\Documents\VIOSO\Anyblend\Export\_Startup.vwf" />
<TransferTask Format="vwf" Core="" bUse3D="1" >
<Destination Core="" FileName="C:\Users\Public\Documents\VIOSO\Anyblend\Export\_Startup.vwf" />
<TransferTask Format="vwf" Core="" bUse3D="1" >
<Destination Core="" FileName="C:\Users\Public\Documents\VIOSO\Anyblend\Export\_Startup.vwf" />
Export automation using scripting engine (VIOSO 6.0.9+)
Create (.ini) script file under [your VIOSO data path]\VIOSO6\Scripting
and then run it from the VIOSO menu calibration > run script
<?xml version="1.0"?> <VIOSO> <File version="1.0.0" build="1234"/> <!-- EXPORT --> <task action="create" name="Export" type="behaviour" subtype="Export" /> <task action="wait" name="Export" state="Interact.Export" /> <task action="configure" name="Export" state="ExportConfig" use="Export" /> <task action="start" name="Export" /> <task action="wait" name="Export" state="finished" /> <define name="Export" type="CalibCommerce" > <display tDevice="dc" name="scanRB" /> <param tConvert="vwf" bExtendedDefFile="0" b3D="1" name="_Startup.vwf" /> </define> <!-- TRANSFER TO CLIENTS --> <task action="Send" type="TCP" subtype="File" use="TransferVWF1"/> <define name="TransferVWF1" type="NetCommand" > <target core="" iPort="8317"/> <param source="D:\VIOSO-DATA\Export\_startup_172.19.5.101.vwf" target="C:\Users\VIOSO\Documents\VIOSO\VIOSO6\Export\_Startup.vwf" tFile="Export" tmOut="4000" /> </define> <task action="Send" type="TCP" subtype="File" use="TransferVWF2"/> <define name="TransferVWF2" type="NetCommand" > <target core="" iPort="8317"/> <param source="D:\VIOSO-DATA\Export\_startup_172.19.5.102.vwf" target="C:\Users\VIOSO\Documents\VIOSO\VIOSO6\Export\_Startup.vwf" tFile="Export" tmOut="4000" /> </define> <task action="Send" type="TCP" subtype="File" use="TransferVWF3"/> <define name="TransferVWF3" type="NetCommand" > <target core="" iPort="8317"/> <param source="D:\VIOSO-DATA\Export\_startup_172.19.5.103.vwf" target="C:\Users\VIOSO\Documents\VIOSO\VIOSO6\Export\_Startup.vwf" tFile="Export" tmOut="4000" /> </define> <define name="stdWait" type="common" > <param duration="3000" /> </define> </VIOSO>
2. In rFpro
- From the rFpro admin console, go to the “Display” and enable VIOSO Warp&Blend Plugin from the Image Plugin list.
* Alternatively, you can enable/disable warp and blend individually for each channel from the “Config” tab as following:
- From the rFpro admin console, go to the “Display” and enable VIOSO Warp&Blend Plugin from the Image Plugin list.
- Configure VIOSOWarpBlend.ini file on each machine to refer to the calibration file (*.vwf):
If the file is missing please create it with the following template:
[default] logLevel=2 bLogClear=1 ;clear log file on start base=[1000,0,0,0; 0,1000,0,0; 0,0,-1000,0; 0,0,0,1] ; frontal cam left handed, row major, most DX near=0.15 ; the minimum rendering distance, all faces closer than that are culled far=20000 ; the maximum rendering disctance, all faces futher than that are culled bTurnWithView=1 ; set to true, if moving platform alas world turns with view direction bicubic=0 ; set to true to enhance sampling acuracy, will use up some extra GPU calibFile=C:\Users\Public\Documents\VIOSO\Anyblend\Export\_Startup.vwf ; Here you precise the path of your calibration file ;eyePointProvider=EyePointProvider ;specify some library name to query view parameters from. If unset, IG has to provide view parameters. ;eyePointProviderParam=sinewave autoViewC=1 ;if viewplane is skewed, widen FoV to cover a moving range of autoViewC * screen bAutoView=1 ;overwrites screen fov and dir
3. Notes
- To check if your version of rFpro contains the VIOSO image plugin, look for the VIOSOPlugin.ini file under
The file is in the format below, and you can edit it to specify camera and motion parameters:
[General] ConsoleEnabled=False ConfigurationFile=.\Plugins\VIOSOWarpBlend.ini [MotionGain] PositionX=1.000 PositionY=1.000 PositionZ=1.000 Yaw=1.000 Pitch=1.000 Roll=1.000
- Make sure you check the VIOSOPlugin log file for information about the status and errors of your warp and blend setup:
- Check if there are any shaders in rFpro
that are doing flipping / mirroring..etc. -
To learn more about how to set up IGs in rFpro and configure rendering, check out these documentation pages in your rFpro install directory:
- To check if your version of rFpro contains the VIOSO image plugin, look for the VIOSOPlugin.ini file under