VIOSO Anyblend VR&SIM and VIOSO Integrate Plus let you export your warp and blend calibrations to the simulation software SILAB studio by WIVW. Using the built-in VIOSO plugin, you can easily apply the auto-alignment of your projectors in both single and multi-server setups, with supported dynamic warping for motion platforms and eye tracking.
Integration guideline:
Table of Contents
1. In VIOSO Core
1.1. 3D calibration
Perform a camera based 3D calibration with Anyblend VR&SIM or VIOSO Integrate Plus following the workflow from this guide: 3D calibration
1.2. Export Mapping
After a successful calibration of your displays, export your mapping in the VWF format:
- From the menu bar, go to File > Export Mapping
- Select your compound display.
- Select the VWF format.
- Check the 3D box.
- Choose a file name and path.
- Click on Export.
2.1. Configure
- On the master server (admin), open
You can use notepad++ to view in php formatting. - Add the VIOSO plugin using this template:
DPUSGEDistortionVIOSOapi Dist1 { Computer = {VISF}; Index = 58; # Number of Target View (the first SGEView instance has number 0) ViewID = 0; # INI File, which contains VIOSO settings: to be created if it does not exist ConfigFile = "F:\SILAB\System\Calib.ini"; }; # Channel names: to be used by calib.ini later VISF01.Dist1.Channel = "Display2"; VISF02.Dist1.Channel = "Display1"; VISF03.Dist1.Channel = "Display3"; Connections = { # input from head tracking #Eyepoint.X -> Dist1.SystemX, #Eyepoint.Y -> Dist1.SystemY, #Eyepoint.Z -> Dist1.SystemZ, #Eyepoint.yaw -> Dist1.SystemYaw, #Eyepoint.pitch -> Dist1.SystemPitch, #Eyepoint.roll -> Dist1.SystemRoll, # output to view Dist1.FOVLeft -> SGEView.FOVLeft, Dist1.FOVTop -> SGEView.FOVTop, Dist1.FOVBottom -> SGEView.FOVBottom, Dist1.FOVRight -> SGEView.FOVRight, Dist1.HeadX -> SGEView.HeadX, Dist1.HeadY -> SGEView.HeadY, Dist1.HeadZ -> SGEView.HeadZ, Dist1.HeadYaw -> SGEView.HeadYaw }; SGEView.FOVIncludesClipping = false; # important, change mode of view
2.2. Configure Calib.ini
- On the master server (admin), open or create the file
- Configure your channel names and specifiy your calibration file using the template below:
[default] logLevel=1 bLogClear=1 ;clear log file on start ; scaling SILAB Meter coordinates (host) to VIOSO Millimeter coords (mapping) trans=[1000,0,0,0; 0,1000,0,0; 0,0,1000,0; 0,0,0,1] near=0.1 ; the minimum rendering distance far=20000 ; the maximum rendering disctance bTurnWithView=1 ; set to true, if moving platform turns with view direction bUseGL110=0 ; must be 0, because SILAB doesn’t support fixed-pipeline openGL bicubic=0 ; set to true to enhance sampling acuracy, will use up some extra GPU mouseMode=0 autoViewC=1 ;if viewplane is skewed, widen FoV to cover a moving range bAutoView=1 ;overwrites screen fov and dir calibFile=F:\SILAB\System\Panadome3D.vwf ; defines the display channels and associate them with the VWF file ; The section names must match the ‘Channel’ parameter of the DPU in [Display1] calibIndex=2 ; screen index within the VWF file [Display2] calibIndex=1 ; screen index within the VWF file [Display3] calibIndex=0 ; screen index within the VWF file
2.3. Copy calib.ini and the .vwf files to the clients
For this operation you can use SilabAdmin.exe and transfer the folder \SILAB\System\
2.3. Start Silab 7.0
Now, you can start a demo scene from \SILAB\Projects\SILABDemo
and your calibration will be visible in the outputs.
1. 2D (.vwf) export is compatible with the integration. 3D gives multiple warped perspectives (preferred) while 2D splits a single camera view.
2. Clipping on the borders (3D) : if you notice such artifacts in the output of SILAB views, try reducing the near clipping plane distance, example: SGEView.CamNearClipping = 0.9;
or/and adding a slight eyepoint pitch rotation to all channels in the opposite direction of the clipping.
The setup consists of:
- 1x master server running no visuals.
- 3x visual IGs connected to one projector each (1600×2560).
You will find two types of (.vwf) files:
: a single file containing 3 mappings in 2D. -
: a split version, 3x files containing one mapping each in 3D.